divorce lawyers Sydney

The Leading Reasons for Divorce in Australia

Most people know that marriage is not easy, and unfortunately, roughly a third of marriages in Australia end in divorce. This may be why there has been a significant drop in young couples getting married in Australia.

As professional divorce lawyers in Sydney, we have had many clients looking to separate and get divorced.

The reasons for separation and eventual divorce can fall into three main categories: affective issues, abusive behaviours and external pressures. In this article, we’ll look at these categories in more detail to provide more insight into some of the most common reasons why married people sometimes go their separate ways.

Affective Issues

Affective issues refer to the emotional challenges that many married couples face. All marriages experience some sort of affective issues, but in some cases, these issues can lead to divorce, especially when not handled with care.

The biggest affective issue, and by far the leading cause of divorce, is infidelity. This is an issue that certain couples can work through, but infidelity can be extremely hurtful for the affected party, and many marriages do not recover.

Other affective issues include communication problems and incompatibility.

divorce lawyers Sydney

Abusive Behaviours

It is a sad truth that many people end up in abusive marriages. In some cases, both spouses may be guilty of some sort of abuse.

Abuse creates a very toxic environment within a marriage, and domestic abuse can really put the abused party at risk. There are various different types of abusive behaviours that can affect a marriage, including physical abuse, abuse towards children, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, emotional abuse, and verbal abuse.

External Pressures

External is probably the least common reason for divorce, with the exception of financial pressures, which can often play a significant role. Other external pressures include family interference, interference by friends, work-related issues, and health.

Other contributing factors toward eventual divorce include the spouse’s personality and children problems. In most cases, there is not a singular reason for reason. A number of contributing factors usually result in the deterioration and end of the relationship.

Are you looking for professional divorce lawyers in Sydney? Here at Lapointe Family Law, we can provide you with expert legal advice and assist in smoothing over the legal proceedings of your divorce. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly and professional team today.